/*把请求中GET /download/nginx-1.9.2.rar?st=xhWL03HbtjrojpEAfiD6Mw&e=1452139931 HTTP/1.1的st和e形成变量$arg_st $arg_e,value分别
为xhWL03HbtjrojpEAfiD6Mw 1452139931即$arg_st=xhWL03HbtjrojpEAfiD6Mw,$arg_e=1452139931 */ ngx_int_t ngx_http_arg(ngx_http_request_t *r, u_char *name, size_t len, ngx_str_t *value) { u_char *p, *last;if (r->args.len == 0) { //args指向用户请求中的URL参数。没有参数,则返回
return NGX_DECLINED; }p = r->; //p指向参数的第一位置
last = p + r->args.len; //last指向参数的最末位置for ( /* void */ ; p < last; p++) { //循环遍历
/* we need '=' after name, so drop one char from last */
p = ngx_strlcasestrn(p, last - 1, name, len - 1);//第一,第二个参数是起始指针,第三个参数是要找的字串指针,第四个参数长度,len减一原因可以去看实现
if (p == NULL) { //如果不存在字串情况
return NGX_DECLINED; }if ((p == r-> || *(p - 1) == '&') && *(p + len) == '=') {
value->data = p + len + 1; //value的data ,1是等号的存在
p = ngx_strlchr(p, last, '&');//&符号出现的位置
if (p == NULL) {
p = r-> + r->args.len; }value->len = p - value->data;//value的长度
return NGX_OK;
} }return NGX_DECLINED;
* ngx_strlcasestrn() is intended to search for static substring * with known length in string until the argument last. The argument n * must be length of the second substring - 1. *//*ngx_strlcasestrn()目的在于寻找已知长度的固定子串,指导参数last,参数n的长度必须是第二个字串减一
u_char *
ngx_strlcasestrn(u_char *s1, u_char *last, u_char *s2, size_t n) { ngx_uint_t c1, c2;c2 = (ngx_uint_t) *s2++;
c2 = (c2 >= 'A' && c2 <= 'Z') ? (c2 | 0x20) : c2; last -= n;do {
do { if (s1 >= last) { return NULL; }c1 = (ngx_uint_t) *s1++;
c1 = (c1 >= 'A' && c1 <= 'Z') ? (c1 | 0x20) : c1;
} while (c1 != c2);
} while (ngx_strncasecmp(s1, s2, n) != 0);
return --s1;
#define ngx_strchr(s1, c) strchr((const char *) s1, (int) c)static ngx_inline u_char *
ngx_strlchr(u_char *p, u_char *last, u_char c) { while (p < last) {if (*p == c) {
return p; }p++;
}return NULL;
ngx_str_t arg_username = ngx_string("username");
ngx_str_t username = ngx_null_string;
ngx_str_t arg_password = ngx_string("password");
ngx_str_t password = ngx_null_string;
if(NGX_OK ! = ngx_http_arg(r,,arg_username.len,&username) ){
ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, r->connection->log, 0,
"get arg \"%V\" failed.", &arg_username);
return NGX_ERROR;
if(NGX_OK != ngx_http_arg(r,,arg_password.len,&password)) {
"get arg \"%V\" failed.",& arg_password);
return NGX_ERROR;
ngx_str_t * username;
ngx_str_t * password;
if(NGX_OK == ngx_http_arg(r,(u_char*)“username",8,username) ){
if(NGX_OK == ngx_http_arg(r,(u_char*)"password",8,password)) {